viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Why does Japanese get involved to the Pearl Harbor?

In this article I will write about how the Japanese wants to attack United States, the principle cause about this revenge.
The attack to the Pearl Harbor was executed by the Imperial Japanese Army in the morning of December 7th of the present year. The surprise attack to Pearl Harbor in the Oahu island in Hawaii, was for the Pacific float of the United States army and the air forces that defended the zone.
The objective of the attack, directed by Chuichi Nagumo, was to neutralize the enemy float for a large period, so they can occupy the occidental colonies in the southeast of Asia, to break the economy problem in which Japan was involved the past year.  When the USA is weakened, Japan would look for peace with good conditions.
Japanese wish to avoid a large battle, but even the Japanese empire won the action, they didn’t obtain a decisive victory.

The motivation for the attack in the Japanese hand against EEUU was that the United States after the second war China-Japan between the years 1937 aprox , realized about the military actions of Japan in the country of China, taking them the metal and petroleum. When Japan occupy Indochina, French colony in 1940, the western powers answer with a freeze of goods and close the canal of Panama for the Japanese ships.
In that time, the petroleum was especially important for Japan, actually they need personal petroleum resources.
That’s how the diplomatic business start for growing them up.  But the problem for the Japanese were that the written business, have like consequences go out from the country of china. That’s when the Japanese notice that they have only two options. One was to be okay with the demands of the United States and the Soviet Union and leave China, or continue trying to obtain the petroleum knowing that they can finally, finish in a war.
As we know, the Japanese finally chose the war, they want to fight and never give up

By: Camila Richter

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